The Teo diaspora began in 1852 when Cheong Piang journeyed and trekked from Guangzhou Province, China to Pulau Gadong , Malacca, where he settled and set root. Since then , the Two's have grown in strength boasting of 1000 family members today. The 8th generation Teo' s are still enjoying their childhood.
Cheong Piang developed swampland on either side of the Lorong Yeoh Family Pulau Gadong Melaka that was originally a dirt road and cultivated padi. Some of his descendent still live in this property. A few of them still plant padi pulut ( gelatinous rice ) and other corps today. Most of descendants have ventured out to other lands and professions. Some have also migrated to other countries like Australia , England, Switzerland and Canada.
According to a grandson Teo Geok LIN, Cheong Piang had married a Malay lady and they had three sons. He died in 1893. One of his sons Teo Tong Sin married a local lady and between them raised six children who spoke Malay their mother's language. Tong Sin died in 1918. His graveyard and his father's still exist in Jelutong cemetery Baru Berendam Malacca.
credit to : Dr Teo Ban Kiat ( Canada )
ditulis balik olih:
°Chong Piang
°°Chong Tong Seng / Chia Sam Neo
°°°Teo Geok Eng / Loh Suan Neo
°°°°Teo Boon Swee @ Abdul Wahid Abdullah/ Inap Bt Nunjok
°°°°°Teo Nya Tay @ Nyateh bt Abdul Wahid / Nasirruzaman A.R***